Empowering Black Women Through Chakra Healing: A Conversation with Tinesha Renee

Chakra healing is a vital practice to promote overall well-being. However, for Black women, it can be especially valuable in addressing the unique challenges they often face. Recently, Tinesha Renee, a certified Medical Intuition System healer, shared her thoughts on the topic in an interview.

Renee suggests that chakra healing can benefit Black women in the following ways:

Addressing Trauma: Black women often experience trauma related to racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination. Chakra healing can help release negative energy and emotions that may be trapped in the body and contribute to physical and mental health issues.

Boosting Self-Esteem: Societal expectations and stereotypes can lead many Black women to struggle with feelings of inadequacy. Chakra healing can help them connect with their inner strength and power, leading to greater self-confidence.

Supporting Holistic Health: While chakra healing works on the energetic level, it can also have physical benefits. Balancing the chakras may help Black women experience improvement in areas such as digestion, sleep, and immunity.

In a recent interview, Tinesha Renee, a certified Medical Intuition System healer, shared her experience with energy healing and how Black women can benefit from chakra balancing.

Q: Hi Tinesha, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your experience with chakras?

A: Sure, I'm Tinesha Renee’! I'm an Energy Healer and Alchemist. As a Certified Medical Intuition System (M.I.S.) Practitioner, I have worked directly with over a thousand people from all walks of life and countries all around the world to remove mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic blocks so they can show up and create a life that makes them proud!

Q: What exactly are chakras and why is it so important for Black women to heal their chakras?

A: Chakras are energy centers within the body that can be thought of as wheels or vortexes that regulate the flow of energy. There are seven main chakras, each located at a different point along the spine. Imbalances of the root chakra may be related to issues of finances, safety and security in a world that can be hostile to Black bodies and literally profited off of Black bodies as currency. Imbalances of the sacral chakra may be related to issues of self-love and sensuality in a society that often hypersexualizes and dehumanizes Black women.

Q: How can we tell if our chakras are out of balance and what are some examples of an imbalanced chakra

A: There are many signs that our chakras may be out of balance, including physical symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and digestive issues, as well as emotional and mental imbalances like anxiety, depression, and lack of clarity. By paying attention to these signs and learning to tune into our bodies, we can begin to identify which chakras may need attention.Imbalances of the solar plexus chakra may be related to issues of self-confidence and personal power in a culture that often undermines the agency and authority of Black women. Imbalances of the heart chakra may be related to issues of emotional vulnerability and connection in a world that often demands that Black women be strong and invulnerable. Imbalances of the throat chakra may be related to issues of authentic self-expression in a society that often silences and marginalizes Black voices. Imbalances of the third eye chakra may be related to issues of intuition and spiritual insight in a culture that often dismisses and devalues Black knowledge. And finally, imbalances of the crown chakra may be related to issues of spirituality and purpose in a society that often erases and dehumanizes Black experiences.

Q: What are some ways to balance and activate our chakras?

A: There are many ways to balance and activate our chakras, including wearing the colors associated to each chakra, working with healing stones, yoga, creating art, listening to music, affirmations, breathwork, but my favorite way of course, is Energy Healing.

Q: Could you provide me with more information about the kind of energy healing work that you specialize in? Specifically, how you got into this work?

The house, the car, the job, the relationship. I had everything that was supposed to make me satisfied with life. On the surface, I seemed happy. In hindsight I even tried to convince myself I was. But after falling into a deep hole of anxiety and depression, it was clear that the conventional methods of treatment weren’t working. Eleven years ago I was introduced to Energy Healing and my life drastically changed course. I experienced self-acceptance, self-love, and realized what my full power and potential felt like. Every action I've taken since has been from a new, higher vibrational point: effortlessly self-supportive towards my development and success. I quickly dove deeper into the practice and it felt natural for me to become a practitioner myself.

I traveled to Singapore and earned my Practitioner Certification in Medical Intuition Services (the most POWERFUL Energy Healing method to date in my humble opinion,) in Singapore personally from the founder and mentor, the amazing Darius Soon!

It’s my true calling in life to assist others the same way I was assisted. I desire for others the same benefit and assist them with forging the confidence, health, and zest for life that may have been missing for far too long. I really enjoy gifting people who they really are; their infinite beingness. I love being that energy for them to see how amazing and incredible they truly are. Today, I'm a Medical Systems Intuitive Practitioner, an Energy Healer, a Spiritual Teacher, a Mental Coach, a Guided Meditation Facilitator, a Thought Field Therapy practitioner, and the founder of LifeUnBlocka, a booming personal development business.

*Q: Can you tell me more about Medical Intuition Systems (MIS)?

A: Negative emotions and thoughts from the past can prevent the body from detoxifying and healing itself effectively. One of the most crucial parts of our work is to help you get rid of these negative emotions and thoughts so the body can detoxify itself and balance is restored. These negative emotions are normally stored in different body parts. Medical Intuition Systems emphasizes the use of mental imagery and innovative, inventive scanning to gather information from the body and its energy networks. We use Medical Intuition System (MIS), to check the energy fields and do energetic corrections.

*Q: Is there anything else you would like to share about chakras?

A: The unique aspect of chakras is their holistic integration of the physical, mental, and spiritual elements of wellbeing. The concept of chakras has become more widely known in the West primarily as a part of yoga and new age practices, there are some lesser-known aspects about.

The chakra system originated in India more than 2,000 years ago. References to chakras appear in ancient Vedic texts, which are among the oldest written texts in India. However, the understanding and interpretation of chakras have evolved over time and vary between different philosophical and spiritual traditions.

And while most people are familiar with the seven main chakras that run along the body's midline, some systems recognize additional minor chakras. These can include chakras in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, or even above the head.

Q: How can people keep up with you?

Keep up with me on www.lifeunblocka.com/healinggarden





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