Align Your Sparkle - Crystals for Your Human Design

Listen up sis, it's time to connect with our signature stones and glow up! Let's dive into the cosmic energies of human design and unlock our magic.

Human Design is a fascinating system that reveals your unique energetic blueprint. Your design is determined by your date, time and place of birth, and is mapped out in a body graph via

Your body graph displays all the components that make up your design, including your type. Human design types are based on how you are energized and how you operate in the world. There are 5 main types:

  • Generators - sustainable energy, strong inner authority

  • Manifestors - ability to initiate and manifest

  • Projectors - wise guides who open communication

  • Reflectors - highly receptive, thrive through observation

  • Manifesting Generators - blend Generator energy and Manifestor action

Understanding your design type gives you clues about your true nature. You can then explore crystals and stones that align with and amplify your type's strengths. Crystals are powerful allies that help you tune into your higher self. See crystal guide below:


As a Generator, you have sustainable energy that flows consistently when engaged in the right activities. You also have a strong inner authority and clarity about what's right for you.

Crystal: Carnelian

The vibrant orange hue of Carnelian resonates with the sacral chakra, the energy center for creativity, joy and intimacy. This is the perfect stone to amplify and activate your innate Generator power. Keep Carnelian close by when initiating projects.


Manifestors have the natural ability to boldly initiate action and manifest their desires into reality. Your willpower is tremendous.

Crystal: Citrine

The bright yellow vibe of Citrine aligns with the solar plexus chakra, your center of personal power. Work with Citrine to own your authority and manifest your dreams into being. This is the ultimate crystal for activating your inner Manifestor.


As a Projector, you have an abundance of wisdom and insights to guide others. Your energy is more open and receptive, and you thrive by listening first before taking action.

Crystal: Blue Lace Agate

The soft sky blue color of this stone resonates with the throat chakra, the energetic center of communication. Place a piece of blue lace agate over your throat as you share your wisdom with those who need your guidance. This stone helps you speak your truth with compassion.


You are unique in that you have an inner knowing that guides you perfectly once a process of observation and reflection has occurred. You align deeply with natural cycles.

Crystal: Moonstone

Moonstone connects you directly to lunar cycles and intuitive wisdom. It provides a luminous glow to illuminate your reflective abilities and honor your emotional landscape. This stone helps balance and ground you.

Manifesting Generators

You are a powerful blend of the Generator's sustainable energy and the Manifestor's action-oriented influence. You are built to transform ideas into reality through consistent action.

Crystals: Carnelian and Citrine

Carnelian keeps your sacral energy flowing smoothly so you can keep taking inspired action. Citrine activates your manifesting abilities and burning desire to accomplish goals. Together these stones magnify your unique Manifesting Generator superpowers!

Now that you know the crystals connected to your Human Design type, you can start working with them and see how your strengths feel amplified. Crystals are amazing allies for activating your highest potential. Let your inner light shine!


Unleash Your Magic and Manifest Your Dreams with Human Design


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